Our Programs

Adult Day Program
Caregiver Support Groups
Aphasia Program
S.A.F.E. Zone Community Exercise

Adult Day Program (ADP)

Cost: Current Program Cost

LOCATION: Brantford | County of Brant

OFFERED: In-Person

Program Overview

The ADP serves clients within our community with varying abilities and needs, to help improve their quality of life. Specially trained and supportive staff engage clients in meaningful recreation activities to stay physically active, and intellectually and socially engaged.

Clients can choose to attend the program for full or half days and select programs to participate in based on their individual needs and interests. Coffee/tea social and group exercise offered twice daily, and a hot lunch and individual exercises available for an additional fee. Assistance to arrange transportation to and from program can be provided.

Why a Day Program?

Day programs assist individuals to age with dignity at home and in the community. Maintaining an active lifestyle by attending a day program has proven benefits including less tie spend in hospital and improved quality of life.

Benefits to participants

  • Stimulate mental and physical health
  • Improve or maintain level of functioning
  • Programs that meet individual needs
  • Sense of purpose, wellbeing and self worth
  • Support and acceptance among peers
  • Remain independent and connected in the community

Benefits to Caregivers

  • Lead a balanced life
  • Respite and peace of mind for caregivers
  • Time to relax
  • Reduce stress
  • Consistent care and support

ADP Programs & Services:

Combining movement and play to benefit clients’ fine and/or gross motor skills and coordination. $5/session | Appointment needed Non-Registered Kinesiologist

Who would benefit from ADP?

  • A Stroke Survivor
  • People With Varying Cognitive Impairments
  • People With Mental Health Diagnoses
  • People With Neurological Diagnoses
  • People With Motor Skill Impairments

Client’s suitability determined upon intake assessment, reviewing the individual’s goals and needs.