Land Acknowledgment

We are located on and work in the traditional territory of many nations including the Anishnawbe (Ah-nish-nah-bay) Mississaugas and the Neutral/Attawandaron (At-ta-won-da-ron) nations.

We acknowledge that we are on and do work in the Haldimand Tract, the granted territory of the Haudenosaunee (Ho-deh-no-show-nee) nations.

The Haldimand Tract covers six miles on both sides of the Grand River all along its length and was given to the Haudenosaunee by the British in the year 1784 for their role in the American Revolutionary War of Independence and for the loss of their traditional lands in upstate New York.

We are grateful to be able to use this land and recognize the privilege of being here and able to work with communities and Individuals from Brantford, Brant, Haldimand-Norfolk, and Six Nations.

Land Acknowledgement
  • In our work, ARTC recognizes the impact of Canadian government policies - which were made to end the traditional purposes and activities of Indigenous people for settler benefit - on the health and abilities of Indigenous people today. ARTC recognizes the opportunity in our work to move forward in a way that supports reconciliation by strengthening Indigenous-settler relations and uplifting and affirming Indigenous culture and values.
  • Our staff will learn more and continue to advocate for Indigenous issues; especially the history and impact of colonization on our friends and neighbours; the Anishnawbe, Mississaugas and the Neutral/Attawandaron nations. We will continue to welcome and support people from all backgrounds and cultures into our ARTC programs.

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